Ouma South African Rusks: A Family Favourite
Comfort food comes in all shapes and sizes. For some, it's a dish that reminds them of their childhood. For others, it's a meal that brings back fond memories of a loved one. No matter what your comfort food looks like, there's one thing that all comfort foods have in...
The Perfect Food for Health and Fitness: Biltong
What is Biltong? You might not be familiar with biltong, but this ancient South African snack is taking the health and fitness world by storm. Packed with protein, low in fat, and devoid of carbs, biltong is the perfect fuel for your workout. And that's not...
How to Store Biltong
So you want to know how to store your Biltong? Lucky you! You clearly have more self control than most. Biltong is known for lasting much longer than other uncured meats and perishable goods, however; it is still important to store Biltong properly to ensure that it...
Mrs. Ball’s Chutney – A Staple of South Africa
Whether you’re a South African local or simply visiting, chances are you’ve heard of Mrs Ball’s chutney. This delicious condiment has been around for over a century and is still as popular today as it was when it was first introduced. So, what is the story behind this...
How is Biltong Made?
How is Biltong Made? Biltong is made through a process known as curing. The process of curing meat has been around for many thousands of years and employs techniques such as smoking, salting and drying. The process of curing meat helps to vastly extend a products...
Where Does Biltong Come From?
The Afrikaner voortrekkers of Southern Africa developed Biltong somewhere between the 17th and 18th century as a way to store meat in the dry conditions of the African bushveld. This allowed them to carry the meat easily and for long periods of time on their trek...
Biltong was developed in South Africa by the Afrikaner voortrekkers as a way to store meat in the dry conditions of the highveld and carry it easily on their trek wagons. The word biltong is derived from the Dutch bil (rump) and tong (tongue) and refers to the cut of meat used and the shape of the cut meat to be dried.
Originally made from game meat such as eland, springbok and hartebeest most biltong today is made from beef and that primarily silverside. Our biltong is made from prime British and Irish beef, marinated in our secret spice and herb mix and cured for approximately 5 days, much as the voortrekkers did in days of yore.